Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Note on February

February was crazy.

My husband was switched from the day shift at his job to the swing shift.  Everyone in the house came down with a nasty cold.  Twice.  Optimus Prime got a fever.  Scooby-Doo started speech therapy which meant a three hour trip everyday, Monday thru Friday.  House work started sliding.  Schoolwork started sliding.  Dinner started to become pizza from the pizza place on the way home.  Lunch was the leftover pizza from the night before.  My workout schedule was thrown out.  The dogs got sick.  The eczema on my hands blew up big time, making what little housework I was doing excruciating painful.  My husband was too busy with his online college classes and his full time job to help me out at all.  And I didn't read a single book, except for one about how to set up a schedule when cleaning your house.

Yes, I actually bought a book about how to clean your house.  I was starting to get desperate.

However, out of all of that chaos we started to find our rhythm the last week of February and now everything is (more or less) okay.  We have a new cleaning schedule that is working rather well.  We now just do three subjects in the morning for our schoolwork.  I sometimes feel guilty about this, but we spend Monday thru Friday afternoons at our local library trying to teach Optimus Prime and Bumblebee how to read.  And, we bring lots of books (read: three per kid usually) home so we can do the same over the weekend.  No rest for the weary!  They will learn how to read since we can't really do anything else in regards to schoolwork.  Scooby-Doo is now starting to enjoy his speech therapy and actually looks forward to it everyday.  I know he's ready to go when he ambushes me first thing in the morning naked, holding his Disney Cars crocs saying "Kaa Sho!  Kaa Sho!"  Yeah kid, you need clothes on first before your "Cars Shoes."  My eczema is getting better but I think I'm going to have to suck it up and go to the doctor's for a refill on my medication.  And lastly, we also decided to start doing a Science experiment each month.  We did one in February, we're doing our March one today, and I'll start posting again tomorrow.

It was a nice month off from blogging, and I really needed it, but like I said, no rest for the weary - my kids need an education!

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