Thursday, February 20, 2014

Two Week Review: February 1-15

This post is a little late because things have been crazy here.  So, not only is it late, but it's going to be pretty brief, too.  Firstly, speech therapy everyday has started.  Monday-Friday Scooby-Doo has two hours of speech therapy a day, not including the hour travel time (round trip) we do to get him to and from there.  Secondly, at the beginning of week one of our new schedule everyone got a really bad cold and pretty much stayed in bed.  It was so bad Optimus Prime & Bumblebee were having a hard time talking because they were so congested.  Scooby-Doo was so wiped out from it he pretty much spent the whole time half asleep on the couch watching Scooby-Doo movies.  When week two rolled around a I breathed a sigh of relief that we were all over it only for it to crop up again here week three.  So, as you can imagine NOTHING at all has been accomplished.

So, onto my (VERY) brief recap of the past two weeks...

Scooby-Doo has done nothing but alternate between being sick and going to speech therapy.

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee did their Pirate Concept Week (along with their Math, English, Spelling, & Logic) a week late.  That's pretty much it.  They loved their Pirate unit (more on that once I can find the time!), they finished up their subtraction Math workbook, we did quite a bit of reading comprehension for English, we covered some sight words in Spelling, and we finished up our word searches workbook in Logic.  That was their week.  For our one-on-one reading time I just read to them.  I'm not sure if I'm going to count that or not... technically they were supposed to read to me...  but they were so sick I didn't have the heart to make them do it...

Like I said, brief.  Also, for a head's up don't expect the next Two Week Review to read any differently.  These two weeks are shaping up to look exactly like the last two weeks...

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