Saturday, January 23, 2016

3rd Grade/Kindergarten Reading List Part 2

Last quarter was another bad quarter for reading books. We only did 20. *shudder* So this quarter I'm making our minimum goal 20.

This quarter I'm determined we'll do better!

Now, for our reading goals:
  • I STILL cannot find what I'm looking for for Optimus Prime. We'll just work on level 1 and level 2 books for now. I am so annoyed. He is beyond ready to tackle chapter books. I just need to find what I'm looking for. I have to this quarter, otherwise I'll start him on our Scooby-Doo chapter books. 
  • I'm going to have Bumblebee work on level 1 books. Optimus Prime reads a book a day, I'm going to try for half a book a day for Bumblebee. We'll see how that works. 
  • Scooby-Doo has no actual list that I'm reading to him this quarter. I'm bringing back Concept Weeks for this quarter, I didn't care for my "experiment" with them last quarter where I turned them into Concept Months. So, we have to read a book every day, seven days a week for our Concept Week. So for now that doubles as Scooby-Doo's book list.

Our 20 book long reading list:
  • The Dark Knight: Batman and the Villainous Voyage
  • The Dark Knight: Batman vs the Cat Commander
  • Magic Tree House: Dark Day in the Deep Sea
  • Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Double Take
  • Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Unicorn Uproar 
  • The Hardy Boys Secret Files: The Bicycle Thief
  • The Hardy Boys Secret Files: A Monster of a Mystery
  • The Hardy Boys Secret Files: The Missing Mitt
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Pilgrims
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Titanic
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: American Revolution
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Rags and Riches
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Dog Heroes
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Dolphins and Sharks
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Vikings
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Leonardo da Vinci
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Leprechauns and Irish Folklore
  • Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: China
  • The Flash: The Attack of Professor Zoom
  • The Flash: Captain's Cold Arctic Eruption

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