Thursday, January 14, 2016

Concept Weeks #5-8: Fish, Snakes, Spiders, & Bugs

For the month of September Scooby-Doo had four Concept Weeks:

  • Week #1 - Fish
  • Week #2 - Snakes
  • Week #3 - Spiders
  • Week #4 - Bugs
Week One covered the basics of fish - body parts, where they live, how they breathe water, what they eat, protection, etc. 

Week Two talked about how snakes are cold-blooded, where they live (some live in water), what they eat, how it takes a long time for them to digest their food, how they protect themselves, how they are born, etc. 

Week Three talked about the difference between arachnids and insects then we covered how spiders eat, where they live, their webs, their egg sacks, etc. There was even a spider mentioned that could breathe underwater by making a giant air sack.

Week Four was just like the Spider unit, only it covered insects - where they live, what they eat, how they protect themselves, etc.

These Concept Weeks went along with the same book as last month. Again, I'm not sure that Scooby-Doo cared about the stories but his brothers loved them. I also made a corresponding lapbook for him for each unit - and again, he went back & forth on his lapbooks, just like last month.

I am hoping as he gets used to the lapbooks he'll warm up to them and find them to be more fun.

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