Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Concept Unit #42: Ancient Greece

This month we covered ancient Greece.

Democracy and city-states - each city-state was their own little country with their own customs, government, and way of life. We even talked about how Athens and Sparta were so powerful. The deities and heroes - the different gods, their myths, and how they interacted with the humans as well as the famous mythological heroes of the time. The art and theater, the architecture, the philosophy, the science and math - you name it, the Greeks pretty much invented it. The wars and armies, the famous generals and kings - the Peloponnesian war, Alexander the Great as well as his father, the different armies.

We covered EVERYTHING.

Mostly, they learned all about how ancient Greece impacted history overall and even our everyday life today. How we still use the teachings of their famous philosophers, how we still use their style of architecture, how countries today base their governments on the ancient Greek governments, etc.

It was a good unit, but like I said in the Egypt post, it was just too much for one unit and one month.

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