Monday, September 30, 2013

Two Week Review: September 13 - 26

Some how I missed putting up this post even though I wrote it almost a week ago...  Oops!

A lot has happened since our last two week review, with some exciting Scooby-Doo news!

So first, Scooby-Doo.

He's still a little behind, but like I said before his schoolwork schedule is really more of a guideline then anything else.  But, for some exciting news for him I think he might be getting his shapes down.  He's not saying the name of the shapes, but his Minnie Mouse workbook covers each shape on a two page spread.  So we practice the shape (with me holding his hand and guiding him) on the first page and then the second page has a mixture of shapes and you are only supposed to color in the shape you just reviewed.  Well, he'll put his finger on the shape on the first page and use that too help him color in about half the correct shapes on the second page.  He'll then stop checking back and forth between the pages and proceeds to color in ALL the remaining shapes, but hey, it's a step in the right direction!  Trying to get him to color in a coloring book was like getting your teeth pulled.  He wanted nothing to do with it, even though it was a Batman coloring book and he loves Batman.  Optimus Prime and Bumblebee actually colored in the whole thing with Scooby-Doo gracing each page with one minuscule scribble...

Soon I have to start planning out next quarter.  He loves doing his Color & Shapes workbooks, so I won't stop those, but I'm thinking that I do need to start adding onto what he does.  Especially if he is going to start doing his Color & Shapes workbooks correctly.

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee are completely caught up.  We had quite a few days of major cramming going on, days where there were fights because they were kept at the table longer than usual, but in the end we got it all done by the 25th.  Let me just say that I hope we never get three days behind again!

Also, we did not do the September Concept Week.  We had so much extra work to do trying to cram in the three missing days that it never got done.  We will start it next week so all's well that end's well, I guess.

No exciting news here, but, oddly, a lot of endings.

Handwriting is the same as always.  Sigh.

In Spanish we finally (thankfully) finished the Colors Unit.  Next week we'll move onto shapes.

In Science we finished our North America Unit and start Asia next week.  They're excited about that.

Our current English book is actually has the exact same pages as our previous English book.  It also has new pages and everything is all mixed up.  So even though the pages are largely review that's working out okay.  They missed a lot of concepts the first time we went over them and they are now starting to sink in the second time around.

Math is going pretty good.  We finished up the first half of our current book and start a new book next week.  The second half of our book is all adding and subtracting double digits.  Bumblebee might be ready for that but Optimus Prime definitely is not.  So we'll save it for another quarter.

We finished our first Unit in Geography.  We are done with maps & compasses and move onto land forms next week.

Reading is also the same as always.  One change is that I decided to drop the Reading Quiz.  Now that they realize they can read a bit on their own I don't think we need me to print up sentences for them to read anymore.  Hopefully instead they'll start picking up on sentences in their books.  We still have the Book Reports, but I'm thinking that we'll do them differently next quarter...  I'm also thinking that we might need to start tackling some sight words worksheets to go along with our reading...

For old Spelling words that they just could not get down I made up a bunch of worksheets for them as extra work.  They grumbled, but they did them and I dropped those words from their quizzes.  They did pretty good on their new spelling units.

Logic and Art are the same as always.  They also finished both of those books and start new ones next week.

Lastly we finished up Dinosaur Cove.

Like I said, a week of endings for Optimus Prime and Bumblebee - we finished three units, two books, and a book series!

Hopefully next week things will get back on track.

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