Friday, September 27, 2013

Dinosaur Cove

We have (finally) finished the Dinosaur Cove books!  I am a bit sad to see them go since Bumblebee really liked them...

Synopsis - Dinosaur Cove follows the adventures of best friends Jamie & Tom and their dinosaur friend Wanna.  Jamie & Tom find a hidden tunnel that leads to the past where they can visit real dinosaurs.  While there they meet a Wannanosaurus and become friends with him.  Together they travel around and observe dinosaurs first hand.

(Note - This series has quite a few books spanning over four series with a few extra double length books as well.  However, only the six books of the first series (the Cretaceous Adventures) and the first three books of the second series (the Jurassic Adventures) have been published in the U.S., and they have been published as one series - not two.  None of the other books or series have been.  You can get them used online however at this time we are not doing that for two reasons.  #1 is that they only came out a few years ago and I want to see if they will change their minds and release the rest since there is customer demand.  #2 is I figured we could use a break from Dinosaur Cove for a bit and focus on the stack of books that we currently have sitting on our bookcase waiting for us to read - including more Scooby-Doo books, more Pokemon books, and some Magic Tree House books.  We will eventually get around to buying them and once we do and read them I'll put up a new, revised, posts - one for each series.  So for now, this post is only about the books released in the U.S.)

Ash Falcon - "These books were amusing and a very light read.  They were pretty ridiculous, though, so if you are reading them to your kids prepare for some eye-rolling on your part.  Let's just say that you have to suspend your disbelief (in regards to dinosaur reality) a bit while reading them.  I'd say a 4/5."

Optimus Prime - "The books were good, but #8 was scary!  Remember the monster [plesiosaur] was biting holes in the board?"

Bumblebee - "They were really, really nice and all of them were good!  #8 was my favorite."

Dinosaur Cove by Rex Stone
  1. Attack of the Tyrannosaurus
  2. Charge of the Triceratops
  3. March of the Ankylosaurus
  4. Flight of the Quetzalcoatlus
  5. Catching the Velociraptor
  6. Stampede of the Edmontosaurus
  7. Saving the Stegosaurus 
  8. Swimming with the Plesiosaur
  9. Tracking the Diplodocus

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