Monday, January 11, 2016

Month in Review: September 2015

This month started off much better, but things were still a bit rocky for which I largely blame the school district (see more below). Hopefully next month will be better.

This month was pretty much the same as last month as far as curriculum went. In Math Optimus Prime & Bumblebee worked on the same stuff, all 2nd grade math. Spelling/Reading was more spelling units based upon the books they were reading. In English we alternated again between reading comprehension (weeks 6 & 8) and phonics (weeks 5 & 7). History was spent on ancient Greece. For Science we finished up our earth, weather, and plants unit then we moved on to a new workbook that covered animals that live in the water. Logic & Art was spent with more painting, coloring, and activities.

Scooby-Doo went back to therapy. We seem to be having some issues with the school district so I'm not sure what is going to happen. Legally, they have to give him speech therapy. But now, since we won't enroll him in pre-k (even though we told them about twenty dozen times he was going to be homeschooled) they are refusing him all other services. We'll have to see what happens. Either way, we are homeschooling him.

Scooby-Doo still had his spelling, which he is largely uninterested in. For Science he had his four Concept Weeks. He also had his usual subjects of Handwriting, Art, and Logic. And we had story time, which he goes back and forth on each day - some days he likes it other days he doesn't. He, of course, also had his magazine days.

It was a very full, very chaotic, and very stressful month.

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