Friday, January 15, 2016

Month in Review: October 2015

Well, we were still a bit of a train wreck this month but we seem to be slowly getting our act together.

I read somewhere once that when kids take the summer off they lose some of their knowledge, that when school starts up again in the fall it actually takes them 2-3 months to catch up and relearn all they have lost. This is part of the reason why we always do a summer semester, and I think that is part of the reason why we are all having such a hard time getting back on track.

This month we started bringing in 3rd grade schoolwork in the subjects where we were previously doing 2nd grade work. In Math we started bringing in multiplication on top of reviewing 2nd grade math. Optimus Prime isn't ready for 3rd grade math so he did a little but mostly focused on basic math. Bumblebee, meanwhile, is enjoying multiplication. Spelling/Reading was the same as it was last month. I think I like this new combination of spelling and reading so we'll keep doing it. Not next quarter, but maybe the following one, I'll start bringing English into that combination, writing up English pages to go along with what they are reading.

English was more phonics (weeks 9 & 11) and reading comprehension (weeks 10 & 12). The phonics have been really helping Optimus Prime but not Bumblebee who is the one who really needs it which is the whole reason we were doing this. History was ancient Rome which finished up our ancient empires for now. Science finished up our animals of the water unit and then we moved on to two new workbooks, one that covered animals of the air and one that covered animals and geography. Logic & Art was more painting, coloring, and activities.

Scooby-Doo is just doing speech therapy now. The whole situation has me so disgusted however after their unprofessional behavior I'm glad that he's only doing speech therapy instead of both therapies.

Scooby-Doo still had his Spelling, which I think I'm going to drop next quarter. I'll probably bring it back after that, but I think he needs a quarter off from it. For Science he had his last four lapbooks. Handwriting was more practicing his abc's and numbers. Once we run out of all of those sheets I already have for him I think we might drop the subject. We still had our daily story time, and he also had his Art and Logic as well as Magazine days.

All in all it was our best quarter so far even if our game was still off. Hopefully next quarter we'll get back on track. Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to a week off and Halloween.

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