Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Concept Unit #41: Ancient Egypt

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee spent an entire month learning all about ancient Egypt. It was a new idea, spending an entire month on a topic, and to be honest - we hated it. It was just too much doing the same topic day after day everyday. We won't be repeating this again after this quarter. From now on we'll stick to a maximum of two weeks on a topic. A month was both too much information and too much repetition. So many topics overlapped that when we discussed topic b topic a would be brought up again.

Anyway, they learned all about the pyramids, the pharaohs, the gods, the culture, the wars. There was periods of time where Egypt was invaded and foreign rulers reigned so that was interesting. They learned about the female pharaoh Hatshepsut and how the pharaohs that followed her tried to erase her from history. They learned about Cleopatra, the last queen and pharaoh of Egypt who was really a Greek. Famous male pharaohs were covered as well including the famous "King Tut" (who got his own special look at with the book "Who Was King Tut?") who was really a nobody in his time but is famous in ours. Interactions with ancient Greece and Rome, as well as their influence and eventual rule were covered as well. We even touched briefly on Alexander the Great.

Overall it would have been a better unit - and far more enjoyable - if it had been shorter. But it was a very information packed month in the end.

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