Friday, March 7, 2014

Science Project #1: Do Oil & Water Mix?

So, I think I mentioned this in a previous post (yes, I did), but we've decided to start doing a monthly science project.

Now, I never worried about this before because this is what the Concept Weeks are for.  It's a combination of reading, math, history, science, geography, cooking, mythology, logic, etc.  We do some worksheets, we read a book, we do a project - all of which pertain to the same topic.  Sure, science isn't always covered, but neither are any of the other subjects listed.  It's a unit that blends all of those things together.

However, we saw a science experiment in one of their magazines, and it looked really cool, so we gave it a go.  And it was really cool so you should do it as well.

  • 1 clear glass half filled with water
  • 1-2 mugs with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable/canola oil in them
  • 1-2 food coloring colors
  • 1-2 spoons

Star Wars not mugs optional.
Now, we did one color the first time (no photos, sorry) so the second time we did two colors and it looked a lot cooler.  Your choice.

First, put a couple tablespoons of oil in the mug, then add about five drops of food coloring.  If you are doing two colors instead of one you might want to use a little less food coloring (or a bigger glass).

With your spoons stir the food coloring & oil mixture until the food coloring breaks up into lots of small balls.

Add water to your glass, and pour in your oil mixture.

Sit back and watch as the colored water separates from the oil (side note - for some reason our Neon Pink fell a lot slower than our Neon Yellow).

A close up of the glass, taken by Optimus Prime.

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