We covered the more famous myths as we worked on a scrapbook of the gods:

DEFINITELY, our most ambitious (and fun) project to date:

And for our book we read The Time Traveller Book of Viking Raiders. (Two l's, that's not a typo, the book is British.) It was a neat book where you go back in time and read about how a fictional group of vikings would have lived. You read about how they build their houses, who lives in the houses, how the slaves were treated, how their ships were built, how they went raiding, what they did when they weren't raiding, etc.
It was a really good book, and they have another one in the series called The Time Traveller Book of Knights and Castles that I think we'll pick up for our next Concept Week. We have leftover pages in the scrapbook, so I'm thinking we'll just keep adding other mythology groups to it. Maybe Celtic next? Not sure. All I know is if your kids are as crazy about vikings as mine, you should do something similar.
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