Sunday, March 16, 2014

Two Week Review: March 2 - 15 2014

Scooby-Doo only had speech therapy for one week.  The second week of March was the school district's Spring Break, so he had that off (and he was rather annoyed over that).  We started doing his worksheets again, which made him very happy.  He was so into it, actually, that we did three weeks worth in the two weeks.  He also picked up a few new words, signs that his speech therapy is working.  He's been singing the Alphabet Song like crazy (even if the ending does just come out as gibberish sung to the tune) and the other day I caught him trying to sing Ten In The Bed to himself.  Hopefully he'll start saying the alphabet for his therapists now.

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee are doing just fine in their schoolwork.  I've been sneaking in a few extra pages here & there to try and get more done.  I REALLY don't like our current schedule (I know, I know, I've already said that about a half dozen times...) so I'm trying to have them do as much as possible without burning them out.

As far as reading goes Optimus Prime had a breakthrough moment, that really only lasted that moment.  We were reading Fancy Nancy and he got an entire page almost on his own.  There were just two words he needed prompting with and two more words that were really hard and he had no clue.  Other than those four words he read the whole page by himself, correctly, without any guessing.  The next page he immediately reverted back to his usual reading habits, which is to look at a word he knows and then start guessing what word it is instead of actually reading it.  Frustrating, but at least I know it's sinking in and if he would just calm down and look at the words he'd be a much better reader.  Bumblebee reads okay.  he'll say the words he knows, but when he gets to a word he doesn't he just stops.  I try to get him to sound them out but he doesn't seem to understand the concept.  I'll start sounding out the word and he doesn't finish sounding it out.  Optimus Prime will finish sounding it out and he usually gets it right.  So, based on the last two weeks my guess is that Optimus Prime will be reading before Bumblebee, bu that's only if he starts paying better attention.

So, what did they (we) read?

Optimus Prime:
Colors in Nature: Blue
Colors in Nature: Purple
A Cake for Dinner by Sue Graves
Fancy Nancy The Show Must Go On by Jane O'Connor
Brownie & Pearl See the Sights by Cynthia Rylant
Colors in Nature: Green
Watching the Seasons: Fall
Watching the Seasons: Summer
Fancy Nancy and the Boy form Paris by Jane O'Connor
Watching the Seasons: Spring
Fancy Nancy Sees Stars by Jane O'Connor
Watching the Seasons: Winter

Colors in Nature: Red
Colors in Nature: Orange
Oh, Jet! by Jillian Powell
Fancy Nancy Pajama Day! by Jane O'Connor
Brownie & Pearl See the Sights by Cynthia Rylant
Colors in Nature: Blue
Watching the Seasons: Summer
Watching the Seasons: Fall
Fancy Nancy Poison Ivy Expert by Jane O'Connor
Watching the Seasons: Winter
Fancy Nancy at the Museum by Jane O'Connor
Watching the Seasons: Spring

Our reading list was almost double last time's!  So, they are getting there, it's just slow going.  Also, the "Watching the Seasons" series was from the library and is also done by Bullfrog.

Final note, since it was Spring Break for the school district the local gym/wellness center had a superhero themed fitness class for $15 a kid.  So, even though I was looking forward to an entire week resting at home without driving anywhere I signed Optimus Prime & Bumblebee up and drove the 30 minutes there everyday, dropped them off for an hour, picked them up, and then drove the 30 minutes back home.  It would of been nice not driving to the neighboring town for a whole week, but they loved the class and that's what is more important.

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