Monday, September 8, 2014

Concept Week #15: Prehistoric/Early Humans

This unit was sort of a part two to our last dinosaurs unit. After learning about dinosaurs for three straight months, it led to the question, "What about early people?"

Unfortunately, I could not find any worksheets to do along with this unit. Everyone had websites up filled with information but no one had any worksheets or activities related to this topic. Their reading level isn't quite good enough for me to write up fill-in-the-blank worksheets or anything similar so we just went without. It was very frustrating. In the end I couldn't think of a project to do either, so all we did was read our book about it and discuss the things in the book. We read Eyewitness Books: Early Humans which covered topics like Homo Erectus and Homo Neanderthalensis moving into modern human tribes spreading out across the world. We learned about early tribes (and even current tribes) on the continents as well as hunting and gathering and early forms of money. We covered the Bronze Age and the Iron Age as well as writing an burial practices. It was a very good book for a topic that not much information exists on.

It wasn't the type of unit they were used to, but future units (in later on grades) will look more like this with just a textbook and discussions. In the end we learned new things, and that's all that matters.

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