Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Book Project Part 1

This quarter for our Art projects we are doing something different. We're making a "book".

The idea came about because we have a TON of scrapbooking paper, and I don't scrapbook any more. So, what to do with all that sturdy paper? Make a book, of course!

It was pretty easy. All we did was pick out prints that we liked and glued them together to make a page. Then we did the same to make (matching) covers.

Then we whole punched the book and ran some yarn through to make the spine. Like I said, SUPER easy. (Actually, I said "pretty easy" but you get my point.)

We then picked a theme for our books, and either drew pictures (Bumblebee) for it or searched the internet (me & Optimus Prime) for pictures to print up and color. 

My theme was Freya, however I also printed up Frigga and Aphrodite pictures as well sticking with the whole "love goddess" theme.

Now, these are all shots of my book. Why not my kids? Their books aren't finished yet! Once they are I'll do a part two post at the end of this quarter and show off their awesome books!

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