Saturday, September 20, 2014

Two Week Review: August 17 - August 30

I just realized I'm behind in these. Again. I don't know how this keeps happening...

School just started here which means Scooby-Doo will soon start speech therapy. I have no clue when he will, he has a new speech therapist and a new developmental/pre-k therapist in new offices so I'm waiting for the school to contact me. Hopefully they will no later than the second week of September. That gives them three weeks to get settled in... Meanwhile, for schoolwork he's doing the same as always. Numbers, letters, coloring, and some logic (these two weeks it was just shapes). He's doing good and he's still a chatter box.

Optimus Prime is still doing physical therapy. Like I said last post, his right leg is longer than his left, causing stress on his hips which he tries to adjust to by turning his feet in. His feet will probably always turn in, but through physical therapy he should learn to turn them out more.

English was still just reading comprehension. Math was reviewing subtraction, place value, fractions (which they love), counting money (they also love that), and telling time. The book they are working on is a book to supposedly bridge 1st and 2nd grade math. Mostly it's just 1st grade math. We'll be done with it soon. Spelling these two weeks were "short a" words, just like last time. (Well, last time had number words too.)

We started a new project for Art that I'm going to post about soon. More on that when I finally get my post up.* Sign Language was all review. I'm not sure that we're going to be doing any new words anytime soon. In Religion we covered Ilmatar and Hestia/Vesta. I forgot to tell you about Geography last time. Not sure how that happened, however all three weeks of Geography covered the theme of "The World" so I guess it doesn't matter that I didn't mention it until today. We did Handwriting, of course, and they had fun with hidden pictures for Logic. In Science we finished learning about Farm Animals and moved on to Favorite Pets.

As for Reading, unless he's having a bad day Optimus Prime is doing AMAZING. He's still working on level 1 and level 2 books. Bumblebee has moments where he has a major breakthrough then he immediately reverts again. It's very frustrating. But I'm sure he'll get it down sometime in the next 6 months. Meanwhile, I'm thinking Optimus Prime might be ready for chapter books in the next six months...

That's all I got for these two weeks!

* The post has already been put up.

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