Thursday, June 12, 2014

Two Week Review: May 11 - May 24

Okay, still late (meant to put this up over a week ago, or, you know, back in May, but whatever). Tomorrow I should have the other back post up.

Scooby-Doo is having fun with his easy pre-k schoolwork. He's figured out doing dot-to-dots on paper, we're working on him doing mazes (he just draws a straight line from point a to point b). He's writing his numbers and letters. He's actually coloring. He was never really big on it, so I would just let him decorate paper with stickers. Yeah, I got bored with that (plus, all those stickers = expensive over time) and wanted him to figure out the whole coloring thing, so we're working on that. He worked on Same or Different, which he understood the concept of same, but not different. Then we worked on shapes, and he actually tried doing some shapes on his own. All in all a good two weeks.

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are struggling with reading on their own. I'm confidant they'll start getting it down soon. In Math we worked on comparing digital and analog clocks and learning about the half hour. In English they got to do their new "Listen and Learn" book. They were thrilled. It's level kindergarten, and obviously above them, but they had fun with it even if it was easy. We read some Mother Goose nursery rhymes, did some activities with them, then read another book of Mother Goose nursery rhymes and talked about how the rhymes were both the same and different - how different words are sometimes used in the exact same rhyme, or how some rhymes (like One, Two, Buckle My Shoe) are actually different in different versions. We also worked on consonant blends, synonyms, antonyms, and compound words.

Spelling was still review, and Dinosaurs was still fun. We learned about dinosaur size, classifications, diets, teeth, attacks, and defenses. Lastly, book reports have been going good. I think I said before they just have to write one sentence (one their own - I'll help them sound out words, but they have to figure it out on their own) and draw one picture. I've been letting them get away with sentences like "The book was good" or "The book was nice." Yeah, next week I'm going to start requiring sentences that had some thought put into them.

Like I said, all in all, a good two weeks.

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