Friday, June 6, 2014

Two Week Review: April 27 - May 10

Yay! The ending of our spring quarter and the beginning of our summer quarter! I'm so glad we are switching to half days for Scooby-Doo's last month of speech therapy. It was just... too... MUCH! Thankfully he only has a few days of therapy left, thankfully he doesn't have it during the summer, but that's all besides the point.

So, onto what we did.

My grandmother was here for another week (as a matter of fact, the last week of our spring quarter), so again we were really busy and didn't do much reading. Plus, EVERYONE (but my grandmother) got sick with some 24 hour thing (which I came down with TWICE).

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee missed their t-ball all week, Scooby-Doo missed his speech therapy all week (except Monday). Thankfully we were ahead in schoolwork, because we only did it on Monday and Wednesday. And we only had to do half days on those days. Scooby-Doo only went to speech therapy on Monday, where he was a big chatter box (for him) and said about a half dozen new words for his therapists! Maybe we are FINALLY getting somewhere. I hope.

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee finished up all their schoolwork for the quarter, but between my grandmother being here and everyone getting sick they only read one book a day:

Optimus Prime:
I Can Read Phonics! The Berenstain Bears: Moo!
I Can Read Phonics! The Berenstain Bears: The Cute Pony
I Can Read Phonics! Batman: Toxic Terror
I Can Read Phonics! Superman: Superpowers
I Can Read Phonics! Superman:Super Hero Friends
I Can Read Phonics! Superman: Lex Luthor
I Can Read Phonics! The Berenstain Bears: Family Fun

I Can Read Phonics! Batman: Batman's Gadgets
I Can Read Phonics! Superman: Bizarro
I Can Read Phonics! Superman: Metallo
I Can Read Phonics! Superman: Parasite
I Can Read Phonics! Superman: Lex Luthor
I Can Read Phonics! The Berenstain Bears: It's Not a Frog
I Can Read Phonics! Batman: The Mayhem of Metallo

Then, the summer schedule started.

Scooby-Doo now has real goals for his schoolwork, and it's no longer a "if we do it cool, if not whatever" situation. He's officially being homeschooled in pre-k as far as I'm concerned. And he's loving it. He has 4 official "subjects" - Numbers, Logic, Letters, Art. Right now I'm trying to get him to do dot-to-dots on his own, as well as matching. He's not quite sure what to make of it. We'll see come next week.

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee have a nice, EASY schedule for the last month of speech therapy. They are working on their reading with a new goal. Before, when we read, if they didn't know a word I supplied it for them. Now, I'm making them sound it out (so long as it's under 6 letters). They're upset, but they'll adapt soon enough and get better at reading because of it. I'm also making them do book reports again on the chapter books we read. So far they are easy, I'm only looking for one sentence out of them about the book - a sentence that they have to sound out completely on their own. We should of been doing this all along, I just never thought of it for some reason.

We're also working on Sign Language. We only did five words this week. They picked them up pretty quick. We'll see how it goes. (Scooby-Doo has shown zero interest in learning Sign Language.)

Our new subjects? In Math they are learning how to tell the hour on a clock. We'll be doing clocks for the entire month. Nice and easy. No meltdowns from Optimus Prime because Math is too hard. English is English. We did beginning and ending sounds. Review, which is good. Spelling was also review of words they didn't get down this year. Then, we had Dinosaurs! An entire class for the whole summer dedicated to dinosaurs! They're excited. So, they learned about what makes a dinosaur a dinosaur, and about the continent Pangaea. So far (big shock) Dinosaurs is their favorite subject.

That's it. More soon.

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