Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Note on May

You know, back in March when I wrote one of these for February I swore I'd always have my shit together so I didn't have a mess like this again, a mess where I wind up taking a whole month off of blogging and am desperately scrambling around, trying to read my incoherent notes, so I can type up a post over a month late.  Yeah, then May happened.

T-ball, t-ball parties, speech therapy every day, homeschooling every day, my grandmother's visit, pre-house hunting, the loan company that won't stop calling our house because they desperately want us to get a loan through them (someone should tell them that there IS a point in your sales pitch where you can become TOO pushy), my husband being told that he now needs to work six nine-hour (someday's ten-hour) work days a week instead of five...  take your pick.  My plate went form "slightly overwhelmed" to "where the hell did it go under all of this crap?!?"

The good news is... all of that's OVER with (well, except my husband's new schedule - unfortunately that's going no where).  So, I'm back.  The other good news is May made me seriously reassess my priorities, my families priorities, and Scooby-Doo's speech therapy.  Summer is going to be a nice break from the hectic (sort of, we do have house hunting to do), and when August rolls around and speech therapy starts back up we ARE NOT doing it everyday.  EVER.  AGAIN.

So, I'm going to go update some stuff on this blog, and start posting again tomorrow.

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