Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Two Week Review: August 31 - September 13

* I know, all of my Two Week Review posts are SO LATE! I'm working on getting caught up here. Most of them are already written, they just need to be edited first. I'm five behind, I'm hoping to have them all up within the next week. *

Scooby-Doo is not in speech therapy yet, the school still hasn't contacted me. I might have to go there and ask... Meanwhile, he's doing fine working on his numbers, letters, coloring, and logic. And, he's still a little chatter-box!

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee are doing good. In English we finished up reading comprehension and moved on to practice tests. One of their first grade textbooks has a bunch of practice standardized tests. None of us are too crazy about them, but we'll get through them. In Math we covered time, calendars, graphs, greater than/less than, and measurements. In Spelling we've moved on to long a words. Art and Sign Language were the same as always... In Religion we learned about Chang-O, a Chinese moon goddess. In Geography we've moved beyond "The World" into "Places and Regions" - basically land forms such as mountains, valleys, etc. Handwriting was Handwriting, Logic was picture finds. In Science we finished up Favorite Pets and moved on to some actual science stuff, like classification systems and learning what vertebrates are. Reading is the same as always. Optimus Prime switching between level 1 and level 2 books, Bumblebee working on level 1. We also covered our Concept Week on Prehistoric/Early Humans. Lastly, Optimus Prime is still in physical therapy.

Not much to say I guess!

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