Thursday, November 20, 2014

Two Week Review: September 14 - September 27

Well, Scooby-Doo is in speech therapy. I'm a bit pissed, sorry, ANNOYED at the school, but that's neither here nor there. Long story short, they were mad at me for not dropping him off. Apparently having all new therapists in all new offices with all new phone numbers meant I was supposed to wander around the school looking for them, not they call me (since, they have my number) to set up appointments to get it started. Moving on. Scooby-Doo HATES his new therapists. Hopefully he'll warm up to them. Otherwise I might have to consider pulling him out... He's only going twice a week this school year. I wish he could go five days a week, but that was a three hour round trip and I can't do that everyday again this school year. We're still working on his schoolwork here at home, however he's completely clammed-up speech-wise. I'm hoping it's just temporary...

For Optimus Prime and Bumblebee English was a bunch of 1st grade standardized-style practice tests. I hated them, they hated them, thankfully they are done now. Then we moved onto a new workbook and started beginning and ending consonants. Nice and easy. In Math did one of those character addition and subtraction workbooks from the dollar store. It was a little hard for Optimus Prime, but he managed to get through it. Next two weeks he'll have an easier one. Spelling is still long a words, Art and Sign Language are the same as always. In Religion we learned about the Greek goddess Nemesis and the Indian goddess Daena. Geography was more land forms and regions (such as swamps). Handwriting was practicing handwriting (like always!). In Logic we FINALLY finished off our picture find book from last year! The next few weeks will be some easy review books. In Science we are still doing science - learning about the parts of animals, what a mammal is, invertebrates, spiders vs. insects, etc. I'll be both happy and sad when we finish this book... Reading is the same as always, nothing new to report there. Optimus Prime is still in physical therapy. It doesn't seem to be doing much to help him...

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