Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Two Week Review: September 27 - October 10

You know I completely forgot about this post.  It's a good thing that I had most of it written up already and I only had to polish it up a bit, otherwise I would of had no clue what I was supposed to be talking about!

So, Scooby-Doo is completely caught up according to his "schedule."  He's back to liking coloring books.  He'll color in them, put stickers in them, give the pages polka dots instead of coloring them... whatever, at least he doesn't hate them anymore!  I guess it was just that Batman coloring book that he didn't like.

I wrote up the new schedule and I've decided to start doing Alphabet workbooks with him next quarter, on top of his Colors & Shapes workbooks.

Lastly, Scooby-Doo has gone book crazy these past two weeks.  Instead of one favorite book he now has a dozen.  He follows me around the house carrying at least one of them, demanding that I read it to him no matter what I'm doing.  So far the only place he hasn't ambushed me is the shower!

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee did their September Concept Week - we did Seasons & Weather.  I'll work on getting the post up in the next couple of days here.

Nothing really new went on in the way of curriculum.

Handwriting is Handwriting.  In Spanish we did Shapes (let me tell you that Colors unit was unbearably LONG!).  Science we learned about Asian animals.  We're onto landforms in Geography, which they are really excited about.  They really love Geography.  Logic and Art are the same - they love Logic and always want to do more, Art they are indifferent on.

We're almost done with our English book, which is nice because it means we can move onto something new.  I was both glad and irritated that our current English book is the same as our last one.  On one hand I'm like "That's sheer laziness on the publishing companies part" but on the other hand I'm like "Thank goodness we can go over these exact same pages again since only half of it sunk in the first time."

We started a new Math book and had nothing but easy review pages.  It was a nice break, but next week starts with real Math pages and I'm cringing while looking at some of them.  It's all stuff they know, and Bumblebee will do fine, but the pages have a lot of problems on them and I'm worried about Optimus Prime getting frustrated and just giving up.  Math is not his strongest subject.  There are pages in there that are nothing but 36 addition and/or subtraction problems with no pictures for help.  Bumblebee will see it as a challenge to get through the whole page on his own, and he'll get at least 75% of them right.  Optimus Prime will either be relieved that he's getting his brothers help or he'll panic.  We'll see.

Spelling had a change.  I decided to drop the Spelling quiz.  I decided to try something different next quarter for Spelling, and that included dropping the quizzes, so I decided to take pity on them and figured their last four quizzes they don't have to do.  We'll see how it works.

Big news in Reading/Reading Comprehension!  Optimus Prime is starting to guess what sentences say based on the words he does know and the picture on the page!  I'm excited.  He might not be super good at Math, but he has other strengths - like Spanish and Reading.

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