Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Two Week Review: October 11 - 24

Big news for Scooby-Doo, but not much for Optimus Prime & Bumblebee.

Scooby-Doo knows how to count to 11.  I had no idea that he knew his numbers.  He has never said a single number to me ever, then out of nowhere I can hear him counting.  I was stunned.  Then, I was even more stunned when he pointed to the correct numbers in his brother's schoolwork and counted them out.  I'm not sure if he actually recognized his numbers, though, or if was just a coincidence.  Anyway, counting out loud was a source of great amusement to him for about three days, and now he refuses to say any number at all.  Sigh.

This led to a big debate over what to do with next quarter's schedule.  I had already written it up to do Colors & Shapes as well as the Alphabet with him.  I debated for a few days about tossing our Alphabet schedule and writing up a numbers one instead, but I decided he knows how to count, it's time to focus on his abc's.

As for his Colors and Shapes schoolwork, it's the same as always.  Even if it wasn't the same nothing I have to say could top him counting (in my book, at least).

Meanwhile, I have nothing super exciting to report for Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.  We did our Ancient Egypt Concept Week (I know Outer Space was on the schedule, but Optimus Prime begged to do Ancient Egypt instead - we'll do Outer Space next quarter) and that post will go up as soon as I have the time to do it.

Handwriting was the same as always.  I'm thinking about dropping it soon.  Not next quarter, we still have a bunch of pages in their old kindergarten workbooks that we never got around too, but as soon as those workbooks are finished up we're dropping the class.

Spanish we finished up our Shapes and moved on to the Spanish alphabet, which is just pages of practicing letters (in Spanish, honest).  More handwriting, sigh.

Science is onto Central and South American animals.  Geography is still landforms.  Logic and Art are the same as always.

We finished up our English book and are onto another one.  I'm loving the new English book because it deals with very simple and basic sentences, which means they usually get to read the sentences out loud to practice their reading and sounding out words.

We got through Math okay.  Optimus Prime panicked, just like I said he would.  Next week it gets even harder when they have to add to totals greater then 10 and subtract from numbers greater than 10.  That means no fingers for help.  I don't think either one of them are ready but we'll do them anyway.

Spelling was the same as always and for Reading we did the short story "The Magic Fish" and had some reading comprehension pages to go along with it.

Looking forward to starting our new quarter soon.

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