Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Concept Week #20: Mythological Creatures

On a scale of 1-10 I'd give this unit a 5. My kids, on the other hand, would give it an 11.

The unit was built around a jigsaw puzzle book called Fantasy Beasts Jigsaw Book. Inside was a bunch of pictures - with short descriptions - of different fantasy creatures and on the next page was a puzzle of them. It covered basic fantasy creatures like Eastern and Western dragons, as well as less known ones like bunyips. So, I set out to find worksheets to go along with this book. This is where I started hitting a stone wall... I found a TON of worksheets - if you consider coloring pages worksheets. I don't. Also, my kids aren't that big on coloring... So, I printed up the pages (both on animals in the book and animals not in the book) since they had little blurbs about the creatures on them. I hoped my kids would color them. They would not.

Of course.

Then, I tried to find a book to go along with our unit. I hit ANOTHER brick wall. With Yule shopping going on right now cash is a bit short, so I went to the library. I found a really neat book called The Monsters and Creatures of Greek Mythology by Don Nardo which we read. It was an awesome book. The only problem? It only covered Greek Mythology. They didn't have anything else even remotely similar, except for a book on unicorns called Fantasy and Folklore: Unicorns and Other Magical Creatures by John Hamilton.


It was also a very good book, just not exactly what I was looking for. So, overall I consider the unit to be a bit of a bust, however Optimus Prime & Bumblebee LOVED it, especially the puzzle book, so I guess I can't complain too much.

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