Sunday, December 14, 2014

Quarterly Curriculum: November 2014 - January 2015

I'm posting this earlier than I normally do because I'm already working on next quarter's schedule. This quarter was VERY slimmed down both because of all of the holidays and because I was adjusting to a new medicine which was making me very sleepy. So, next quarter I want to bring back our full work load. This break was nice, but I'm already ready to do more and am full of ideas! So, here is our (current) super easy holiday schedule!

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee:

Schoolwork on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.


Magazine - We have some character magazines that cover handwriting, basic math, art, logic, and reading comprehension. We'll do one magazine a week.
Days - Everyday.
Textbooks - Character magazines.
Number of Pages - N/A

Spelling - Spelling words & units.
Days - Everyday.
Textbooks - None, just loose worksheets.
Number of Pages - 2

Other "Subjects":

Reading - Reading simple storybooks on their own.

Sign Language - Learning basic sign language to help Scooby-Doo communicate better, and to help us communicate better with him.

Some final notes:
  • I got none :)

Schoolwork 2-3 days a week on any day

Magazines - Scooby-Doo is subscribed to a pre-k character magazine that covers letters, numbers, mazes, picture finds, reading comprehension, etc. We'll do one section a day, every other schoolwork day.
Days - Five days over two weeks
Textbooks - Character Magazines
Number of Pages - N/A

Other "Subjects":

Story Time - Reading a book every afternoon, even on days off.

Words Review - Going over simple words with him to help his speech.  This will be everyday, even on days off.

Sign Language - Learning basic sign language everyday, even days off.

Final Notes:
  • Scooby-Doo's is still doing speech therapy, however he is only doing it two days a week now.
  • We're still working on sign language to help his communication.

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