Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Two Week Review: January 3 - 16

Just to let you know, these two weeks were also chaotic.  My husband was still on vacation and decided that it's time for some job hunting or transferring to the company's second location (which hasn't opened yet).  This means we may or may not be moving in the next few months.  Optimus Prime & Bumblebee got bunk beds, a new dresser, and we started new shelves for their toys.  I was still freaked out & stressed over my cousin getting so sick (he could have died - so, you know, scary).  Scooby-Doo had an evaluation for speech therapy, so we now have to do that twice a week.  Also, I'm trying to write up a new schoolwork schedule while planning around speech therapy visits, a possible moving date of less than 3 months away, and apartment/house hunting.  Plus, my kids discovered the joys of the local public library.  All in all a busy (and stressful) two weeks.

So, last I said Scooby-Doo took two weeks off from our "schedule" and only wanted to read books.  Fast forward to the end of this two week period and he was crazy into his workbooks and refusing to sit still to read a storybook.  Sigh.  Just, sigh.  I wish the kid would make up his mind.  However, he was so crazy into his workbooks that we completely caught up to our "schedule."  Meanwhile we are behind on his book goal.  I just can't win.

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee got to do a Concept Week about Outer Space.  They've wanted to do this Concept Week for a while now, it just kept getting shoved to the side to focus on other stuff.  So, they were happy.

After our Concept Week we had a regular schoolwork week (of course, I'm not even sure why I'm pointing this out...  I mean, what else would we have done?).  Worked on our Handwriting sheets.  (Sigh.  I just wish they would disappear...)

We did some more African animals in Science.  We started opposites in Spanish, which is a pointless unit since it's just a picture on the page with a word at the bottom that you trace.  Yeah, I'm still hating this Spanish book.  We started a new Geography workbook.  Actually, it's a unit inside one of our multi-subject 1st grade workbooks.  We started a new Art book.  Sight Words same as always, Reading Comprehension same as always.

We finished off our "cover all subject" Logic workbooks form Dollar General.  In Math we did a workbook from Target's dollar section that just covered addition.  It was a nice review, and was pretty easy.  Just basic one digit addition.  It doesn't hurt to go back and cover the basics again & again.  We also started a Strawberry Shortcake addition workbook from Dollar General.  This one starts you in on two digit addition.  A bit above them, but if you don't push them to try something new you'll never find out if they can do it.  The good thing about these workbooks is since it's nothing new I can have them try to do the pages completely on their own, while counting in their heads.  Bumblebee did real good doing the pages like that (1-2 mistakes per page), and Optimus Prime got at least 75% correct - more than I was expecting!

For English we went back to our multi-subject workbooks.  It's a review, since we've already done these pages, but like I said, review is good.  We went over long & short vowels (which I still can't tell apart) and consonant blends.  Then, Spelling was Opposites and Verbs Part 2.

Truthfully, not much went on these two weeks in regards to homeschooling, we were too busy with other stuff...

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