Sunday, January 19, 2014

Two Week Review: December 20 - January 2

I know, I know - this post is VERY late!  Things have been very crazy here, and because of that I haven't been on the blog as much as I wish to be.  More on that in a bit & next post.  First I want to go over everything.

So, last post I talked about Scooby-Doo taking these two weeks off from workbooks.  We did that, he loved the break, he didn't get upset at all when I called his older brothers over to the table and never called him.  We just read books.  He was happy, I was happy, it was a nice two weeks.  Next week I'll bring the workbooks back and see how he reacts.

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee are doing okay.  In Handwriting we're back to our numbers & letters sheets.  I want to drop Handwriting, but they have so many worksheets left over in their kindergarten workbooks that we're going to be doing this for a while still.  Maybe even for the whole year.  We started Africa this week in Science.  Mostly just elephants, monkeys, and apes.

In Spanish we learned about clothes, food, and animals.  All of which they were interested in, and all of which only came with a couple of pages each.  I said last post that we need to start doing something different for Spanish.  I've decided that part of the problem is our workbook.  It says grades Preschool-1, however it's more preschool than 1st grade.  I'm bored with it, they are bored with it.  The only units that are covered extensively are the alphabet, counting to 10, and colors - and two of those units are really just a bunch of handwriting sheets (which are the exact same handwriting sheets from their prek & kindergarten workbooks, only in Spanish - and I'm not exaggerating when I say the EXACT SAME.  I still have some of them in the house, we're currently doing some of them in Handwriting, and like I said, the EXACT SAME!).  I think we're going to try finishing this workbook off next quarter so we can move on to a real 1st grade Spanish book.  When Scooby-Doo starts Spanish we might use this workbook, but it's too easy for 1 graders.  I mean, there is almost zero vocabulary in here and there are no verbs.  Done with my rant, moving on now.

We finished off our Geography book.  I'm a bit sad, they loved it.  We had some Geography sheets left over from their Kindergarten Brain Quest workbook, so we did those.  Actually, we should of done those very first, but that's okay.  We'll start a new Geography book next week.  In Art we finished off our current coloring book & start a new one next week.  I've decided that we definitely need to do something new next quarter for Art...

Sight Words is the same as always.  I think it's helping them learn how to read, but I think we're going to drop the class next quarter.  Reading Comprehension was also the same as always.  We still have too many sheets to go through to drop the class, but I think next quarter we'll finish them all up and then combine the class with English.  Some of their English sheets are really just Reading Comprehension sheets, so it seems silly to do the class twice.  Or maybe we'll do 4 days of English & 1 day of Reading Comprehension.  Hmmm, it's an idea...

Logic was some 1st grade "cover all subjects" workbooks from Dollar General.  Math was a Disney Time & Money workbook (also from Dollar General).  It was a bit above them, involving adding and subtracting money, counting in 5 minute increments, etc.  They liked the workbook, but they didn't get most of it.  My goal these two weeks was for one-on-one time where we practiced counting by 5's, but due to craziness (all of which is mentioned below) it never happened.

Last weeks English book (from Target's dollar section, I don't think I mentioned that part) had a part 2 book, which we did these two weeks.  They enjoyed it a lot more than the last one (which, like I said in the last post, was boring).  Lastly, in Spelling we did Nature & Body Parts.

So, like I said these two weeks were a bit chaotic.  My husband was on his vacation so our schedule was disrupted.  We had Yule followed by an 8 hour round trip drive to do Christmas with the family a few days later.  We had major housework to do (cleaning up from the holidays) as well as getting Optimus Prime & Bumblebee's bedroom ready for their new furniture.  Plus, one of my cousins got very sick New Year's Eve/Day and, to be honest, it was very, VERY scary.  So, these two weeks - schoolwork-wise - were a bit of a blur and a rush.

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