Monday, December 9, 2013

Two Week Review: November 22 - December 5

So, just to let you know we are completely back on schedule.  We made up our couple of days by tacking on an extra subject here and there and now everything's (more or less) fine.

Why "more or less?"  Scooby-Doo has refused to do schoolwork.  Part of me's like "No biggie" another part of me is like "But I want to do the schoolwork with him" and the last part of me is like "Awwww, he says 'no' so cute!!!"  So, my response has been to go ahead and do it with him next to me, and if he joins in great, if he doesn't it's no big deal.  So we sit at the table.  I read the page's to him.  "Look, the flower is yellow!  Can you find the other yellow things on this page?"  Sometimes he joins in with me but usually he just giggles at the sight of me doing his schoolwork for him.  Sometimes I give him the marker but he always just throws it.  I'm pushing on to see if this is just a phase.  He doesn't have to actually start pre-k for another year and a half.  We only started workbooks because he was jealous of his big brothers.  We'll see what happens.  If we stop, we stop.  Like I said, no biggie.

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee caught up pretty quick.  It's easy when you slip in an extra page or two here and there, and an extra subject each day.

They enjoyed their Ancient Greece mythology unit (post soon!).  They already knew a little bit so they had fun expanding on their knowledge.  As for everything else, for once I have absolutely zero to talk about.

I know I've mentioned before that we have subscriptions to both Scooby-Doo and Thomas & Friends magazines, but I don't know if I mentioned that we also have a subscription to Friends magazine (all by the same company).  So for Handwriting & Reading Comprehension we did a couple of Friends magazines.

In Science we are still doing Australia.  In Spanish we FINALLY finished our Spanish alphabet.  I can't wait to start something new next week.  In Geography we covered half the continents.  They enjoyed Sight Words, like always.  They were lukewarm towards Art.  I'm thinking Art once a week next quarter, with lots of painting, clay, and plaster molds...

Logic was the same, Math was the same (addition and subtraction), for English we are almost done with our book (next week we finish it up).  I'm going to miss this English book, it was nice and different.  Lately we've been reading short stories and poems and they have to give the story or poem a name and say what they think the main point of it was.  No capital letters, no periods, no sentence structure, no long or short vowels (which to be completely honest sound exactly the same to me half the time), etc.  Also, Spelling (Numbers & Verbs these two weeks) is the same as always.  (Side note - it came to my attention the other day that I only posted 12 Spelling units for this quarter when there are 13 weeks.  I have no idea how this happened, and I'm going to fix this in the next couple of days.)

Lastly, there was nothing to have one-on-one time for, again.  Like I said, absolutely zero to talk about.

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