Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Two Week Review: December 6 - 19

(This post is a little late because Christmas for us (or rather Yule) falls on the 21st.  So you can imagine I wasn't in much of a rush to get this post up since I was too busy getting ready, wrapping presents, planning the menu, etc.  All that's done with, however, and the tree is probably coming down today so I decided it was time to catch up on my blogs, so here is this post - up a bit late.)

I'll start with Scooby-Doo since that's what I always do.  These two weeks were the exact same as the last two weeks.  Scooby-Doo really wasn't interested in anything other than reading.  He's also been refusing to count to ten for me with is irritating since I know he knows how to.  He still loves reading books, though, so we've been doing just fine on that front.  I'm thinking we'll take the next two weeks off...  Between Yule, traveling for Christmas, my husbands two week vacation from work, the housework I've been slacking on lately, and Scooby-Doo's current disinterest I think we could use a break.

Optimus Prime & Bumblebee have been doing good.  We did Scooby-Doo and Thomas & Friends magazines again for both Handwriting and Reading Comprehension.  We have a stack of them to go through, but we are running out.  Soon we'll have to go back to regular Handwriting and Reading Comprehension sheets.  They loved Science like always.  We finished up Australia and we'll start Africa next week.

Art & Sight Words were the same as always.  In Spanish we learned about the family names & body parts.  None of it really stuck with them.  I'm beginning to think we need to start doing something new with Spanish.

Geography overlapped with Science these last two weeks.  Our last unit in Geography covered different animals that lived on the seven continents, why they lived in certain environments, etc.  Some of it was review, some of it was not since we haven't gotten to those continents in Science yet.  We started (and finished) a new logic book.  It was called Path Quest and frankly it was a complete waste of time even though it said it was for grades 1 & 2.  However, Optimus Prime & Bumblebee enjoyed it even though there was virtually no work involved in it at all.

For Math we did counting by fives & tens followed by shapes & fractions for the whole two weeks.  I did (FINALLY) have some one-on-one time with Optimus Prime where we reviewed counting by tens until he got it down.  Bumblebee can count by ten just fine and he's okay with counting by fives, but Optimus Prime is at a loss with both.  So Optimus Prime & I focused on counting by tens until he got it down.  Next two weeks we'll all focus on counting by fives (like I said, Bumblebee could use some help there too).

We finished up our old English book and started a new one.  This one was largely rhyming words. page after page of writing words that end in -ox, followed by a word search with words that end in -ox, followed by words that ended in -ed, followed by a word search for words that end in -ed, etc.  It was unbelievably boring but it did help them to understand rhyming words better.  Next week we start a new book.  Lastly is Spelling, where we learned about the 5 senses and weather words.

All in all, a good two weeks!

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