Friday, June 28, 2013

Family Vacation!

No posts for the last week since we were off on a family vacation.  We took Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Scooby-Doo to two outdoor dinosaur museums/parks, one state park, two zoos and one aquarium!  Our vacation was packed!  I'm working on a couple of posts right now to go up over the weekend.  One about our Gardening Concept Week and one about our vacation.  I want to get them up before we start doing our dinosaur schoolwork on Sunday and I start working on our next quarters schedule - and I have to post about those things!

Meanwhile, for those of you questioning whether I made my poor kids do schoolwork while ON vacation since I have said we do schoolwork everyday, my answer is no.  Remember how I also said I was stepping up our workload to make up for some sick days back in January?  Well, I was also stepping up our workload to cover our vacation.  We are currently more or less on schedule, and so long as we don't deviate from it again we should be fine.

And for a final bit of news The Well and the Ash Tree is on Facebook!  Right now I'm just posting links to the blog but pretty soon I'll be adding more than that!  So, check us out at!

See you tomorrow (hopefully)!

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