Thursday, June 20, 2013


With first grade coming up for Optimus Prime & Bumblebee I've been busy looking into new workbooks for them.  I have to say that I'm really excited with some of the stuff that I've found!

I found geography books, Spanish books, science books, English books, and reading comprehension books that have short stories based on little kids "classics" with questions for them to answer.  I've even found some dinosaur models geared towards kids their age that we can do during our dinosaur week!

I've been busy thinking up ways to arrange their new schedule, trying to figure out what subjects we will cover everyday and which ones we'll do every other day.  So my days have been busy!  I won't finalize everything until the last two weeks of July so I still have a bit of time to figure things out.  However I'm looking forward to finishing up with the kindergarten schedule.  For the first half of kindergarten we did just strictly kindergarten work, for the second half it's been a blend of kindergarten and first grade, but the kindergarten stuff has been boring them a bit lately - a lot of it is just based on coloring which they really don't care for - so I'm looking forward to moving on to new things!

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