Wednesday, August 6, 2014

2nd Grade Reading List Part 1 & Book Reports

Okay, this quarter we have some reading goals:
  • Optimus Prime just learned how to read and is ready to move beyond Level 1 books, so he'll be working on Level 1 &2. I don't want to completely cut off Level 1 yet, I want to make sure he has it down a bit better, he still stumbles on a word here and there. I'm thinking a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio (Level 1:Level 2). He'll also work on reading completely on his own. Right now I hold the book, help him out, etc., but I'm going to hand the book off to him and see how he does all on his own.
  • Bumblebee needs to work on getting Level 1 down on his own, but to be honest I don't see that happening this quarter.
Then, we also have our chapter book goal list. And, SOMEHOW, we missed a book AGAIN from our February-April goal list:
  • Ballpark Mysteries: The Fenway Foul-Up
I would say we are doing that one first, but the problem is I just took the last two Ghost Detector books from the library, so clearly we will be doing THOSE two first. However, the Ballpark Mystery one will be next, I mean third, I mean... I promise... ?

Anyway, here are our book goals for this quarter:
  • Ghost Detectors: Draw!
  • Ghost Detectors: Don't Read This!
  • Clue Jr: The Case of the Missing Movie
  • Magic Tree House: Hour of the Olympics
  • Magic Tree House: Tonight on the Titanic
  • Magic Tree House: Buffalo Before Breakfast
  • Magic Tree House: Tigers at Twilight
  • Magic Tree House: Dingoes at Dinnertime
  • Magic Tree House: Civil War on Sunday
  • Batman: Arctic Attack
  • Batman: Harley Quinn's Shocking Surprise
  • Batman: The Man Behind the Mask
  • Batman: Catwoman's Classroom of Claws
  • Batman: The Maker of Monsters
  • Wonder Woman: Creature of Chaos
  • Wonder Woman: The Fruit of all Evil
Two things:

(1) We're still doing book reports. Right now it's really easy, just a sentence about the book and a picture from the book. I've written up 14 of those forms (each), then after those 14 are used up I'm going to change things a little. They'll have to name their favorite character from the book and their favorite scene in addition to what they already have to do.

(2) I've upped our reading goal. From Day 1 it's been 1 book a week for a total of 13 books, though we've always read AT LEAST double (and usually triple or more) that. I've added 3 books to our goal (raising it about a quarter). Maybe I'll raise it again next quarter, maybe not. Once they are reading chapter books on their own I'll be reading longer, harder books to them so I won't be reading as many titles a quarter. So it's not like 13 is a forever number or anything.

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