Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Two Week Review: October 25 - November 7

Sorry this post is so late.  My grandmother came & visited while this post was going on.  I like it when she visits, I know my kids get excited when great-grandma comes, but for some reason everything goes sideways when she is here.  Some how, no matter how much I try, every plan I make seems to fly right out the window.  I don't know what it is, we just cannot stay on schedule when she is here.  We'll even get ahead of schedule before she comes and by the time she leaves we are either barely staying on schedule or have fallen ridiculously far behind.  I just do not understand.

Enough about that (for now).

Remember how last post I mentioned that Scooby-Doo can not only count to 11 but also point to the correct numbers while doing it?  And remember how I said I wasn't sure if that was just a coincidence or if he really recognized his numbers?  Well, I have my answer, he actually recognizes his numbers!

First, my aunt mailed a foam clock to my kids to help Optimus Prime and Bumblebee learn to tell time.  Scooby-Doo saw it, stole it, and walked around the house for two days straight pointing to all of the correct numbers and reading them off.  Then, we went to the book store, hit up the kids section, and were wandering through the aisles when he saw the spine of a random chapter book that had a tiny #2 on it (because it was book 2 in a series).  He pointed to the book and started saying "Two!  Two!  Two!" over and over again until I walked over to see what he was talking about.  Once he saw that I was paying attention he said "Two!" one last time, gave me a big grin, and ran off in another direction.

I'm almost sad we're doing letters instead of numbers.

With Optimus Prime & Bumblebee nothing new is going on.  Like I said up above, there was chaos but other than that nothing new.  Despite the chaos we finished up their 1st quarter schedule in record time!  They wanted it over badly, especially when I told them next quarter the work load was lighter.  I'm not going to bother you with the details... okay, I threw out the old schedule with all my notes scribbled on it before I thought to copy them onto this post.

We started 2nd quarter the first week of November.  It was our Concept Week as well, so we only had Math, English, Spelling & Logic.

They loved Logic (of course).  For once they loved Spelling!  They were glad to just do some nice, easy colors sheets.  They are also seriously rejoicing the lack of Spelling quizzes (still).

Math we have FINALLY moved onto some easier stuff.  We're done with adding and subtracting up to 18.  They weren't ready for that yet.  We are now onto greater than/less than, rulers, above/below, number patterns, etc.  Their book is almost finished, middle of next week we'll be starting a new one.  English is the same as always.  Right now it's focusing on sentence structure - capital letters, periods, question marks, exclamation points, etc.

Our Concept Week was Winter Holidays/Christmas.  I'll try to get that post up in the next few days.  They loved it, so I'm glad we did it.  No one-on-one time, I'll save that for a regular schoolwork week.

That's pretty much all I can think of right now.  New update in two weeks.

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