Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Okay, still really busy and won't be online until at least the day after tomorrow, however while updating our Reading List/Book Series We Have Read pages (which I do 2-3 times a week) I realized that the second one was getting rather long...  So, since we finished Spiderwick first, here is a post about the series, along with our opinion on the books and a list of the books so I can delete them from the page (however, the page will carry a link to this post - at least for now).

Synopsis - Spiderwick by Holly Black follows the "true" story of the Grace children (oldest Mallory, followed by twins Jared and Simon) after they move to an old house owned by their mother's family.  Their mother and father are recently divorced and they lack the money to remain in the city where they used to live.  While exploring the house Jared finds a book written by his great-great-uncle Arthur Spiderwick, which gives details about the different types of fairies that live in the region.  Chaos ensues as different fairies try to steal the book for different reasons, the kids try to find Arthur Spiderwick, and they try to stop Mulgarath's plot.  Some of the book is slightly graphic (cats get eaten, etc.)

Ash Falcon - "It was a cool story line but I've already read Fablehaven (by Brandon Mull) which was an awesome story line (admittedly, geared towards older children) and this felt a bit like a watered-down version of that.  However, two things that this series does have going for it is the kids come from a divorced family - which is something that I have not come across in all of the books I have read to my kids (and we read A LOT!) and the main character - Jared - has some anger issues because of the divorce.  So it was neat that the story line explored this aspect of family life.  Actually, embarrassingly, my kids had no idea what divorce was before this book.  I would give it a 4/5."

Optimus Prime - "I really, really liked the books and I liked the end of the bad guy."

Bumblebee - "I really, really, REALLY liked the books!  I really liked Thimbletack the brownie!"

Spiderwick by Holly Black
  1. The Field Guide
  2. The Seeing Stone
  3. Lucinda's Secret
  4. The Ironwood Tree
  5. The Wrath of Mulgarath
  6. The Lost Chapters

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