Friday, July 19, 2013

Revamping & A Much Needed Break

I have been busy!

Just the other day my blog was pretty straightforward.  A Home Page for posts, a Quarterly Curriculum Page for our current curriculum, a Concept Week Page to talk about our current concept weeks, and - lastly - a What We Are Reading Page to discuss what we are reading.

Now I have 5 new pages up!  I'm over here groaning.

Don't get me wrong - I'm glad that they are up and they needed to go up, however I feel like I've been living nothing but this blog for the past month.  Which is silly, I know, since I haven't been on it that much, but I have been writing up curriculum every day for the last couple of weeks, and every time I write up something new I think to myself "Oh!  I should put that up on the blog too!" so it does feel like I've been on this blog nonstop.

So, new changes.  I decided I didn't want to just delete our old curriculum once we were no longer using it.  How would that help you?  Or me when Scooby-Doo finally hits kindergarten?  So I re-posted the old curriculum as a blog post and then put the link on a new page - called "Previous Curriculum."

Change #2 was doing something similar for the previous Concept Weeks.  Those were already blog posts so I just made a new page - "Previous Concept Weeks" - and linked the original posts there.

I decided to take this a step further and have also made a "Spelling Units" page with links to our spelling units.

Then I also put up a "Book Series We Have Read" page (title might get shortened latter) for all the book series we have read as a family.

The last new page to go up is a introduction page called "What is the Well and the Ash Tree?" in which I pretty much just rehash what my first post said.

I have also updated the Concept Week page for this upcoming quarter, and I've started updating the Curriculum page as well.  That page is not done - I only have 5 of the 11 subjects up - and I will finish it soon but right this minute it is not a priority.  I need a break.  So I'm taking a couple of days off to recharge my brain.  I'm going to go and worry about cleaning my house, homeschooling my kids, and reading a good novel.  I'm tired of thinking of lesson plans and want to enjoy the last week and a half of kindergarten.  I'll be back in a couple of days to finish putting up the curriculum and to FINALLY post about Dinosaur Week - and maybe even our new spelling words too!  Until then I think there is a bubble bath with my name on it...

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