Friday, October 31, 2014

Wonder Woman

Synopsis - Princess Diana of the Amazons becomes Wonder Woman and fights against evil, and the gods who try to destroy humans.

Wandering Falcon - "I've never been a big Wonder Woman fan (I'm not a big fan of Superheroes with special powers, I like the regular human superheroes) so I didn't know much about her until we started reading these books. They were pretty interesting. I'm still not a big Wonder Woman fan, but I'm glad we read them."

Optimus Prime - "They're fine."

Bumblebee - "I liked them all!!! The special one is the one where Princess Diana becomes Wonder Woman (he means "The Trial of the Amazons"). The Queen calls her Princess Diana."

Wonder Woman*
  1. Monster Magic
  2. Dr. Psycho's Circus of Crime
  3. Rumble in the Rainforest
  4. Attack of the Cheetah
  5. Sword of the Dragon
  6. The Fruit of All Evil
  7. Creature of Chaos
  8. Trial of the Amazons

* These books are not numbered, so they are listed in the order that we read them.  Also, for these books I have not listed an author since they are too much like comic books with multiple authors, illustrators, and creators.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Troll Hunters

We finished off Troll Hunters a few weeks ago.

Synopsis - Four kids - Pablo, Zak, Thora, and Louise - find themselves fighting against an army of underground trolls coming to the surface to take over the world. Along the way they meet Dr. Hoo, who guides them and tells them about their special powers based on the constellations in the sky.

Wandering Falcon - "This series started out really strong, and I really liked it, but then book three happened. I'm not sure what happened, I mean, yes there was magic and stuff from the beginning, but all of the sudden the magic just got crazy. However, come book four things got better again."

Optimus Prime - "They were scary."

Bumblebee - "I liked them. I liked the kid Thora."

Troll Hunters by Michael Dahl
  1. Skyfall
  2. Dark Tower Rising
  3. The Lava Crown
  4. Fallen Star

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lack of Posts

I'm sorry about the lack of posts, it's not intentional. My doctor put me on a new medication that is currently, MAJORLY, kicking my butt. I'm sleeping 12 hours a day and I spend the other 12 hours a day wishing I could sleep some more. I'm exhausted all the time & I've dropped over 13 lbs from it - 10 of those pounds were in the first week! I'm very tired and it's bleeding over into other aspects of my life. Like blogging. I'm just too tired to blog or to do more than the basics as far as homeschooling goes. I'm hoping my body will adjust to the medication soon here, it's been almost a month now. My appetite is back so I'm not dropping weight like crazy anymore (though the scale is still moving downwards) so I'm hoping that the exhaustion will go away soon as well. So, for the rest of the month I'll try to catch up on posting but I'm not making any promises!
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