Monday, July 28, 2014

Two Week Review: June 22 - July 5

First of all, the first week here Optimus Prime & Bumblebee had a fitness class at the local gym. Yay! Burn up some of that energy :) Also, my uncle came to visit us the first week of July, so there was a mad scramble to get everything done ahead of schedule.

Secondly, Scooby-Doo did NOTHING for schoolwork these two weeks. It was both really depressing and really nice. Depressing, because I wanted to do stuff with him, and there were moments when he wanted to do stuff with me, but nice because it was just nice for me to take a break from homeschooling him and he was happy to not be constantly pushed towards the table by me. I think he would of liked to do some schoolwork, but that's okay. I really needed the time to focus on his older brothers, and Scooby-Doo won't actually start pre-k until next next school year. He'll still be three when this upcoming school year starts. So, you know, no pressure.

Meanwhile, Optimus Prime & Bumblebee have been doing real well. Optimus Prime especially. In Math we covered dimes and quarters, counting by 10's and 25's. Bumblebee did great, of course, however Optimus Prime FINALLY got counting by 10's down. It was a big moment, with lots of praise (my part) and pride (his part). He was doing great until we added quarters into the mix, then he started getting confused again. I told him it was no biggie, he'll get it eventually after all. Meanwhile, for all the math problems where you had to say what coins you would use if you were spending 75 (or whatever) cents on something, I just got him to do the problem sans quarters. He did fine once the option for quarters was eliminated.

In English we covered short and long vowels and consonant blends. We also had a story unit on "Little Red Riding Hood." Spelling was, of course, more review. Optimus Prime had another major victory here. He got about half of his missed spelling words down, almost 20 total. Bumblebee isn't doing so hot reviewing his spelling words. Spelling, and reading, are DEFINITELY his weaker subjects. Meanwhile Optimus Prime is kicking butt in that field... And, as always, any day now they are going to get their reading down... (Also, book reports are going fine.)

In Dinosaurs we got to learn about other animals that lived during the same time, as well as the extinction of dinosaurs, dinosaur descendants, and we learned just what the Mesozoic Era means. I forgot to say last post that we've taken a break from learning more Sign Language. We've done quite a few weeks of it, and they've learned a ton of new words, but the rest of the summer will just be a focus on retaining those words and not adding any new ones.

Well, that sums up these two weeks. Next week we'll still be on vacation with my uncle, then we go to Carlsbad to see the bats. Can't wait!

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